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Cybersecurity: Opportunity Or Threat For Enterprises?

Cybersecurity: Opportunity or threat for enterprises?

8th French Bavarian business dinner

Alain Polgar moderated and participated to the organisation of this event organised by the French General Consulat and the French Foreign Trade Advisors with the support of Invest in Bavaria and the Deutsch-französische Wirtschaftsclub in Bayern. After the opening speech by Anne Marie Descôtes the French Ambassador in Germany the 140 participants had the opportunity to get a better understanding on this very important element of the digital transformation from different speakers: Prof. DR. Ulrike Lechner of the Universität der Bundeswehr München, Mrs Mallory Delaporte Head of Engineering of TV5 Monde, Mr Reik Hessebarth Managing Director of Rohde & Schwarz, Bertrand Fredenucci CEO of Alphalyr and Philippe Mareine Managing Director of Atos International.

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